List of Git repositories hosted on


creek Jun 10, 2024
A malleable and minimalist status bar for the River compositor
edward May 21, 2024
An extensible POSIX-compatible implementation of the ed(1) text editor
depp May 20, 2024
No frills static page generator for Git repositories
hii May 19, 2024
A file-based IRC client inspired by ii
guix-channel Feb 16, 2024
A channel for the Guix package manager
mach Jan 7, 2024
A work-in-progress implementation of make(1)
mblaze-ui Dec 8, 2023
A minimal TUI for the mblaze email client
tmsim Dec 3, 2023
A fast turing machine simulator with graphviz export functionality
zig-riscv-embedded Nov 23, 2023
Experimental Zig-based CoAP node for the HiFive1 RISC-V board
input Jul 22, 2023
Prompt for input with readline-like key bindings
insomnia Jul 22, 2023
A frontend for the hii IRC client
edward-contrib Jul 12, 2023
Extra commands for the extensible edward text editor
qsym Jun 1, 2023
A symbolic executor for the QBE intermediate language
qbe-reader May 31, 2023
A parser for the QBE intermediate language in Rust
scmdoc Apr 9, 2023
Automatically generate documentation from comments in R7RS Scheme code
umount-test-opts Mar 7, 2023
Equivalence checking of BusyBox and util-linux umount(8) -O option handling
ncalendar Feb 16, 2023
Reimplementation of the BSD calendar(1) program in Rust
ifupdown-ng-waitif Jul 31, 2022
An ifupdown-ng executor which blocks until the interface is actually running
posix-regex May 15, 2022
CHICKEN Scheme wrapper for POSIX regular expression matching
saneterm Apr 5, 2022
Modern line-oriented terminal emulator without support for TUIs