
A linting utility for Alpine Linux APKBUILDs

git clone https://git.8pit.net/abuild-lint.git

 1package main
 3const (
 4	invalidGlobalVar    = "Custom global variable %q doesn't start with a single '_'"
 5	variableUnused      = "Variable %q is unused"
 6	nonLocalVariable    = "Variable %q was not declared using the local keyword"
 7	wrongFuncOrder      = "Function %q should be declared after function %q"
 8	trivialLongParamExp = "Parameter Expansion \"${%s}\" can be replaced by a short Expansion \"$%s\""
 9	metadataAfterFunc   = "Variable %q should be declared after the last function declaration"
10	metadataBeforeFunc  = "Variable %q should be declared before the first function declaration"
11	forbiddenBashism    = "Usage of bash extension %q is not allowed"
12	missingMetadata     = "Variable %q is required but wasn't defined"
14	badCommentPrefix      = "Comment doesn't start with a space"
15	missingMaintainer     = "Maintainer is missing"
16	missingAddress        = "Comment is missing an RFC 5322 address"
17	noAddressSeparator    = "Mail address should be seperated from prefix with a space"
18	invalidAddress        = "Mail address doesn't conform to RFC 5322"
19	tooManyMaintainers    = "Only one maintainer can be specified"
20	cmdSubstInGlobalVar   = "$(…) shouldn't be used in global variables"
21	maintainerAfterAssign = "The maintainer comment should be declared before any assignment"
22	repeatedAddrComment   = "Contributor comment with this RFC 5322 has already been defined"
23	wrongAddrCommentOrder = "Contributor comment should be defined before the maintainer comment"