1{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
3module DatePicker.CmdLine
4 ( Opts (..),
5 CmdTime,
6 getTime,
7 optsPeriod,
8 getCmdArgs,
9 )
12import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
13import Data.Time.Calendar qualified as Cal
14import Data.Time.Calendar.Month (Month, addMonths, pattern YearMonth)
15import Data.Time.Calendar.OrdinalDate (Day, toOrdinalDate)
16import Data.Time.Format qualified as Fmt
17import Data.Time.LocalTime (LocalTime (LocalTime))
18import DatePicker.Util (locale, periodAllMonths)
19import Options.Applicative qualified as OPT
21data CmdTime = CmdTime String (Maybe String)
23firstDayInMY :: Cal.Year -> Cal.MonthOfYear -> Day
24firstDayInMY y my = Cal.periodFirstDay $ YearMonth y my
26parseMonth :: String -> IO Month
27parseMonth input =
28 Fmt.parseTimeM False locale "%B" input
29 <|> Fmt.parseTimeM False locale "%b" input
30 <|> Fmt.parseTimeM False locale "%m" input
32getTime :: LocalTime -> CmdTime -> IO Day
33getTime _ (CmdTime month (Just year)) = do
34 (YearMonth _ my) <- parseMonth month
35 pure (firstDayInMY (read year) my)
36getTime (LocalTime cd _) (CmdTime month Nothing) = do
37 (YearMonth _ my) <- parseMonth month
38 pure (firstDayInMY (fst $ toOrdinalDate cd) my)
42data Duration = OneMonth | ThreeMonths | TwelveMonths | OneYear
44data Opts = Opts
45 { optNoTime :: Bool,
46 optLogical :: Bool,
47 optFormat :: String,
48 optMonday :: Bool,
49 optDuration :: Duration,
50 optTime :: Maybe CmdTime
51 }
53durationParser :: OPT.Parser Duration
54durationParser =
55 OPT.flag
56 OneMonth
57 OneMonth
58 ( OPT.long "one"
59 <> OPT.short '1'
60 <> OPT.help "Display a single month"
61 )
62 OPT.<|> OPT.flag'
63 ThreeMonths
64 ( OPT.long "three"
65 <> OPT.short '3'
66 <> OPT.help "Display next/previous month for current month"
67 )
68 OPT.<|> OPT.flag'
69 TwelveMonths
70 ( OPT.long "twelve"
71 <> OPT.short 'Y'
72 <> OPT.help "Display the next twelve months"
73 )
74 OPT.<|> OPT.flag'
75 OneYear
76 ( OPT.long "year"
77 <> OPT.short 'y'
78 <> OPT.help "Display the entire year"
79 )
81timeParser :: OPT.Parser CmdTime
82timeParser =
83 CmdTime
84 <$> OPT.argument OPT.str (OPT.metavar "month")
85 <*> OPT.optional
86 (OPT.argument OPT.str (OPT.metavar "year"))
88optsParser :: OPT.Parser Opts
89optsParser =
90 Opts
91 <$> OPT.switch
92 ( OPT.long "date-only"
93 <> OPT.short 'd'
94 <> OPT.help "Only require date selection, omitting time"
95 )
96 <*> OPT.switch
97 ( OPT.long "logical-move"
98 <> OPT.short 'l'
99 <> OPT.help "Always move cursor logically by week/date"
100 )
101 <*> OPT.option
102 OPT.str
103 ( OPT.long "format"
104 <> OPT.short 'f'
105 -- RFC 1123 format as per Go's time package
106 <> OPT.value "%a, %d %b %Y %T %Z"
107 <> OPT.metavar "FORMAT"
108 <> OPT.help "Format in which the date should be output"
109 )
110 <*> OPT.switch
111 ( OPT.long "monday"
112 <> OPT.short 'm'
113 <> OPT.help "Treat monday as the first day of the week"
114 )
115 <*> durationParser
116 <*> OPT.optional timeParser
120optsPeriod :: Duration -> Cal.Day -> [Month]
121optsPeriod OneMonth day = [Cal.dayPeriod day]
122optsPeriod ThreeMonths day =
123 let month = Cal.dayPeriod day
124 in [addMonths (-1) month, month, addMonths 1 month]
125optsPeriod TwelveMonths day =
126 let month = Cal.dayPeriod day
127 in map (`addMonths` month) [0 .. 11]
128optsPeriod OneYear day = periodAllMonths (fst $ toOrdinalDate day)
130cmdOpts :: OPT.ParserInfo Opts
131cmdOpts =
132 OPT.info
133 (optsParser OPT.<**> OPT.helper)
134 ( OPT.fullDesc
135 <> OPT.progDesc "Interactively select a date to be printed to stdout"
136 <> OPT.header "datepicker - a utility for interactive date selection"
137 )
139getCmdArgs :: IO Opts
140getCmdArgs = OPT.execParser cmdOpts