
Yet another stupid dwm status tool

git clone https://git.8pit.net/dwm-status.git

 1/* See LICENSE for license details. */
 3/* Delay (in seconds) used between updates of the status text. */
 4static const int delay = 5;
 6/* Seperator to use between different status function outputs. */
 7static const char *statsep = " | ";
 9/* Format to use in the curtime function for the current time. */
10static const char *timefmt = "%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S";
12/* Path to power supply battery directory in /sys. */
13static const char *sysbat = "/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0";
15/* Sound card to use for alsa output. */
16static const unsigned int sndcrd = 0;
18/* Name of the control channel to use for alsa output. */
19static const char* swtchname = "Master Playback Switch";
20static const char* volumname = "Master Playback Volume";
22/* Array of functions to use in the status bar text. */
23static size_t (* const sfuncs[])(char*, size_t) = {
24	batcap,
25	separator,
26	alsavol,
27	separator,
28	loadavg,
29	separator,
30	curtime,