
A toy gopher client written in Idris2

git clone

  1module Gdris
  3import Gopher
  4import Client
  5import Parser
  6import Menu
  8import System
  9import System.File
 11import Data.Fin
 12import Data.Vect
 13import Data.Strings
 15import Network.Socket.Data
 17-- Valid REPL input commands.
 18data Command = Goto Integer | Menu | Exit | Unknown
 20-- REPL execution context.
 21record Context where
 22    constructor MkCtx
 23    menu   : (List Item)
 25-- String used to prompt for input.
 26prompt : String
 27prompt = "> "
 29newCtx : Context -> (List Item) -> Context
 30newCtx _ items = MkCtx items
 32-- XXX: If this returns a Maybe Monad the totality checker doesn't terminate
 33lineToCmd : String -> Command
 34lineToCmd input = case words input of
 35    ["goto", x] => Goto $ cast x
 36    ["menu"]    => Menu
 37    ["exit"]    => Exit
 38    _ => Unknown
 40readCommand : String -> IO Command
 41readCommand prompt
 42   = do eof <- fEOF stdin
 43        if eof
 44          then pure Exit
 45          else do putStr prompt
 46                  fflush stdout
 47                  x <- getLine
 48                  pure $ lineToCmd x
 50getItem : Context -> Integer -> Maybe Item
 51getItem ctx n = let idx = integerToFin n (length in
 52    case idx of
 53        Just f  => Just $ index f (fromList
 54        Nothing => Nothing
 56execTrans : Context -> Item -> IO (Context, String)
 57execTrans ctx (MkItem Document _ s addr) = do
 58    out <- makeReq addr s
 59    pure $ MkPair ctx $ case out of
 60        Right out => out
 61        Left err  => "makeReq failed: " ++ show err
 62execTrans ctx (MkItem Directory _ s addr) = do
 63    out <- makeReq addr s
 64    case out of
 65        Right o => do i <- parseAll o
 66                      pure $ case i of
 67                         Right it => MkPair (newCtx ctx it) (showMenu it)
 68                         Left err => MkPair ctx $ show err
 69        Left err => pure $ MkPair ctx $ "makeReq failed: " ++ show err
 70execTrans ctx _ = do
 71    pure $ MkPair ctx "item type not implemented yet"
 73execGoto : Context -> Integer -> IO (Context, String)
 74execGoto ctx n =
 75    case item of
 76        Just i  => do execTrans ctx i
 77        Nothing => do pure $ (MkPair ctx "unknown menu item")
 78    where
 79        item : Maybe Item
 80        item = getItem ctx n
 82runREPL : Context -> IO ()
 83runREPL ctx = do
 84    cmd <- readCommand prompt
 85    case cmd of
 86        Goto x  => do p <- execGoto ctx x
 87                      putStrLn $ snd p
 88                      runREPL $ fst p
 89        Menu    => do putStrLn $ showMenu
 90                      runREPL ctx
 91        Unknown => do putStrLn "unknown command"
 92                      runREPL ctx
 93        Exit => pure ()
 95    pure ()
 97runClient : Address -> IO ()
 98runClient addr = do
 99    Right out <- makeReq addr ""
100        | Left err => do putStrLn $ "makeReq failed: " ++ show err
101                         exitFailure
102    Right items <- parseAll out
103        | Left err => do putStrLn $ "Parsing failed: " ++ show err
104                         exitFailure
106    ctx <- pure $ MkCtx items
107    putStrLn $ showMenu
109    runREPL ctx
111main : IO ()
112main = do
113    [prog, host, port] <- getArgs
114        | _ => do putStrLn "USAGE: gdris HOST PORT"
115                  exitFailure
117    runClient (MkPair host (stringToNatOrZ port))