
R⁷RS Scheme parser combinator library for decoding BARE messages

git clone https://git.8pit.net/kahl.git


2021-09-05 parser: update call-with-context error message Sören Tempel
2021-08-24 README.md: Fix typo in example Sören Tempel
2021-04-01 README.md: Fix chibi-doc usage Sören Tempel
2021-03-14 kahl.sld: Add missing article in doc comment Sören Tempel
2021-03-14 README.md: Remove duplicated sentence Sören Tempel

Clone the repository to access all 83 commits.


R⁷RS Scheme parser combinator library for decoding BARE messages.


With the exception of floating-point numbers (f32 and f64), all types from draft-devault-bare-01 are supported. The BARE schema language is currently not supported, but may be supported in future version of this library. Additionally, this hasn’t been tested extensively and the API may still change.


Depends on your Scheme implementation. I have tested this with CHICKEN Scheme and chibi-scheme. For simple experiments, simply use the following commands:

$ git clone https://github.com/nmeum/kahl
$ cd kahl
$ chibi-scheme
> (import (kahl))
> (parse (parse-struct parse-u8 parse-u8) #u8(23 42))
#(23 42)

Tests require (chibi test) and can be run as follows:

$ ./run-tests.scm

Extended Example

Consider the following BARE schema definition:

type Customer {
    name: string
    email: string
    orders: []{
        orderId: i64
        quantity: i32

Messages of this type can be parsed using the following Scheme code:

(import (kahl))

;; Define a parser for the Customer type.
(define parse-customer
    parse-string ;; name
    parse-string ;; email
    (parse-list  ;; orders

;; Create a parse stream for the file customer.bin
;; and use the parse-customer parser to parse it.
(let ((s (make-parse-stream "customer.bin")))
  (parse parse-customer s))

Refer to the documentation for more information on individual procedures.


This library is documented using Scheme Scribble syntax as implemented by chibi scribble. Documentation can be generated using chibi-doc(1). To generate HTML documentation run:

$ chibi-doc -h kahl > kahl.html

If you want to improve the existing documentation, take a look at the Scribble quick start guide. Commands supported in the default Chibi-Scheme doc environment can be obtained by importing (chibi doc) and running (make-default-doc-env).


This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.