1# POSIX Compatibility 2 3* [ ] Support for command-line options mandated by POSIX 4 * [x] Basic integration with `System.Console.GetOpt` 5 * [x] Support for specifying targets on the command-line 6 * [x] Support for specifying assignments on the command-line 7 * [x] Support for the `-f` flag 8 * [ ] Support for all other flags 9* [ ] Support for inference rules10 * [x] Parser support11 * [x] Handling of ".s2.s1" inference rules12 * [x] Respect and use `.SUFFIXES" (see *special targets* below)13 * [x] Handling of ".s1" inference rules14 * [ ] Tests15* [x] Support for command prefixes (`-`, `@`, `+`)16 * [x] Preliminary support for `@` and `-`17 * [ ] Support for `-`18 * [ ] Support for `.SILENT` / `.IGNORE` / `…` (see *special targets* below)19 * [ ] Tests20* [ ] Proper support for escaped newlines in commands and assignments21* [ ] Support for macro assignment operators other than `:=`22* [x] Support for macro expansions of the form `$(string1:subst1=[subst2])`23 * [ ] Support for nested expansions in `string1`24* [ ] Support for special targets (e.g. `.PHONY`)25* [ ] Support for internal macros (e.g. `$@`, `$%`, …)26* [x] Support for default rules (e.g. for C compilation)27* [ ] Support for environment variables (e.g. `MAKEFLAGS`)28* [ ] Support for libraries (prerequisites with parentheses)