
The mini music player, an alternative to MPD

git clone

 1(import [protocol [commands]]
 2        [protocol.util :as util])
 3(require [hy.contrib.walk [let]]
 4         [hy.extra.anaphoric [*]])
 6(with-decorator (commands.add "currentsong")
 7  (defn current-song [ctx args]
 8    (with (playlist ctx.playback)
 9      (.current playlist))))
11(with-decorator (commands.add "status")
12  (defn status [ctx args]
13    (with (playlist ctx.playback)
14      (let [mode (. playlist mode)
15            song (.current playlist)
16            time (.time ctx.playback)]
17        {#**
18          {
19            "volume"         100
20            "repeat"         (get mode :repeat)
21            "random"         (get mode :random)
22            "single"         (get mode :single)
23            "consume"        (get mode :consume)
24            "playlistlength" (playlist.psize)
25            "state"          (ctx.playback.state)
26            "elapsed"        (ap-if time (first it))
27            "duration"       (ap-if time (last it))
28            "time"           (ap-if time (.join ":" (map (fn [v] (str (round v))) time)))
29          }
30         #**
31          (if song
32            {
33              "song"           (. song position)
34              "songid"         (get (. song metadata) "Id")
35            } {})
36        }))))