
Tooling for managing structured reading notes for scientific publications

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  1(import (readit parser) test)
  3(define (parse-file path)
  4  (call-with-input-file (string-append "testdata" "/" path)
  5    (lambda (port) (parse-readit port))))
  7(define (parse-entries path)
  8  (let ((r (parse-file path)))
  9    (if r r (error "syntax error"))))
 11(define (parse-entry path)
 12  (car (parse-entries path)))
 14(test-group "parser"
 15  (test "parse entry without fields and notes"
 16    (list (make-meta #\-
 17               'thompson1984trust
 18               "Reflections on Trusting Trust") '() "")
 19    (parse-entry "thompson1984trust.txt"))
 21  (test "parse entry with fields and without notes"
 22    (list (make-meta #\x
 23                     'chomsky1956hierarchy
 24                     "Three models for the description of language")
 25          '(
 26            ("Importance" . "High")
 27            ("DOI" . "10.1109/TIT.1956.1056813")
 28           )
 29          "")
 30    (parse-entry "chomsky1956hierarchy.txt"))
 32  (test "parse entry with set fields"
 33    (list (make-meta #\x
 34                     'ritchie1974unix
 35                     "The UNIX Time-Sharing System")
 36          '(
 37            ("Authors" . #("Dennis M. Ritchie" "Ken Thompson"))
 38            ("Topics" . #("UNIX"))
 39           )
 40          "")
 41    (parse-entry "ritchie1974unix.txt"))
 43  (test "parse entry with escaped set fields"
 44    (list (make-meta #\-
 45                     'bratus2015bugs
 46                     "The Bugs We Have to Kill")
 47          '(
 48            ("Escaped Comma" . #("foo,bar"))
 49            ("Escaped Bracket" . #("foo{bar}"))
 50            ("Escaped Backslash" . #("foo\\bar"))
 51            ("Escaped All" . #("foobar"))
 52            ("Escaped Multiple" . #("foo," "bar"))
 53           )
 54          "")
 55    (parse-entry "bratus2015bugs.txt"))
 57  (test "parse entry with ref fields"
 58    (list (make-meta #\x
 59                     'bach1986unix
 60                     "The Design of the UNIX Operating System")
 61          '(
 62            ("Related" . #(ritchie1974unix))
 63            ("References" . #(dijkstra68sequential pike84blit))
 64           )
 65          "")
 66    (parse-entry "bach1986unix.txt"))
 68  (test "parse entry without fields and with a single note"
 69    (list (make-meta #\-
 70                     'mccarthy1960lisp
 71                     "Recursive functions of symbolic expressions and their computation by machine, part I")
 72          '()
 73          "* Introduces a programming system called LISP\n")
 74    (parse-entry "mccarthy1960lisp.txt"))
 76  (test "parse entry without fields and nested numbered notes"
 77    (list (make-meta #\-
 78                     'rfc7228
 79                     "Terminology for Constrained-Node Networks")
 80          '()
 81          (string-append
 82            "* Distinguishes three classes of constrained devices:\n"
 83            "\t1. Class 0: Very constrained sensor-like motes\n"
 84            "\t2. Class 1: Quite constrained in code space and processing capabilities\n"
 85            "\t3. Class 2: Can utilize conventional Internet protocols\n"
 86          ))
 87    (parse-entry "rfc7228.txt"))
 89  (test "parse entry with fields and notes"
 90    (list (make-meta #\-
 91                     'landin1966languages
 92                     "The next 700 programming languages")
 93          '(("DOI" . "10.1145/365230.365257"))
 94          (string-append
 95            "* Describes a family of unimplemented languages\n"
 96            "* Focuses on expression-based languages\n"
 97          ))
 98    (parse-entry "landin1966languages.txt"))
100  (test "parse entry with spaces in notes"
101    (list (make-meta #\-
102                     'foo
103                     "bar")
104          '()
105          (string-append
106            "* foo\n"
107            "* bar\n"
108            "* baz\n"
109          ))
110    (parse-entry "notes-with-spaces.txt"))
112  (test "parse multiple entries"
113    (list
114      (list (make-meta #\-
115                       'liedtke1995microkernel
116                       "On μ-kernel construction") '() "")
117      (list (make-meta #\-
118                       'basili1984complexity
119                       "Software Errors and Complexity: An Empirical Investigation")
120            '(
121              ("Authors" . #("Victor R. Basili" "Barry T. Perricone"))
122              ("DOI" . "10.1145/69605.2085")
123              ("Topics" . #("Software Engineering"))
124             )
125            "")
126      (list (make-meta #\x
127                       'tanenbaum2006secure
128                       "Can We Make Operating Systems Reliable and Secure?")
129            '(
130              ("Authors" . #("Andrew S. Tanenbaum" "Jorrit N. Herder" "Herbert Bos"))
131              ("DOI" . "10.1109/MC.2006.156")
132              ("Topics" . #("Computer Security" "Operating Systems"))
133              ("References" . #(basili1984complexity liedtke1995microkernel))
134             )
135            (string-append
136              "* Discusses techniques for improving the security of operating systems\n"
137              "* Emphasises the importance of isolation mechanisms\n"
138              "* Has a focus on microkernel architectures\n"
139            )))
140    (parse-entries "example.txt"))
142    (test "parse partially invalid data"
143      #f
144      (parse-readit "- [foo]: bar\n- [föö]: baz\n")))