Automatically generate documentation from comments in R7RS Scheme code
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1;;> This is a library which contains an unexported, but documented, identifier. 2(define-library (scmdoc test simple) 3 (export magic-number1 magic-number2 id foo bar) 4 5 (begin 6 ;;>| Constants 7 ;; 8 ;;> Various useful constants. 910 ;;> A magic number.11 (define magic-number1 23)1213 ;;> Another magic number.14 (define magic-number2 42)1516 ;;>| Some section17 ;;>18 ;;> Yet another section.1920 ;;> Foo constant.21 (define foo 42)2223 ;;>| Additional section.24 ;;> One more way to write a section comment.2526 ;;> Bar constant.27 (define bar 23)2829 ;;>| Procedures3031 ;;> Various useful procedures.3233 ;;> The identity procedure.3435 (define (id x) x)))