1{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
2{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
4-- | This module provides functions for applying a 'Formatter' to
5-- create 'Component's for given S-expressions. Furthermore, an
6-- HTML document, for recognized 'Component's, can be generated
7-- using this module.
8module SchemeDoc.Format.Formatter (findComponents, format, defFormatter)
11import Control.Applicative
12import Control.Monad
14import qualified SchemeDoc.Format.Library as L
15import SchemeDoc.Format.Procedure
16import SchemeDoc.Format.Syntax
17import SchemeDoc.Format.Types
18import SchemeDoc.Format.Variable
19import SchemeDoc.Types
21import qualified Data.Text as T
22import Text.Blaze.Html
23import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as H
25-- ToC represents a table of contents with a depth of one.
26data ToC = Heading Section | Items [Declaration]
28tableOfContents' :: [Component] -> [ToC] -> [ToC]
29tableOfContents' ((D pc) : xs) ((Items lst) : toc) = tableOfContents' xs (toc ++ [Items $ lst ++ [pc]])
30tableOfContents' ((D pc) : xs) toc = tableOfContents' xs (toc ++ [Items [pc]])
31tableOfContents' ((S sec) : xs) toc = tableOfContents' xs (toc ++ [Heading sec])
32tableOfContents' [] toc = toc
34tableOfContents :: [Component] -> Html
35tableOfContents comps = H.ul $ do
36 forM_
37 (tableOfContents' comps [])
38 ( \case
39 Heading s -> H.li (compLink $ S s)
40 Items lst -> H.ul (formatItems lst)
41 )
42 where
43 formatItems :: [Declaration] -> Html
44 formatItems decls = forM_ decls (H.li . compLink . D)
48-- | The default 'Formatter', can be extented via the 'Maybe' applicative.
49defFormatter :: Sexp -> T.Text -> Maybe Declaration
50defFormatter sexp desc =
51 flip fmt desc <$> mkVariable sexp
52 <|> flip fmt desc <$> mkProcedure sexp
53 <|> flip fmt desc <$> mkSyntax sexp
55-- | Find all 'Component's recognized by the given 'Formatter'.
56-- Non-recognized S-expressions are also returned.
57findComponents :: Formatter -> [Documented] -> ([Component], [Sexp])
58findComponents formatFn = foldl foldFunc ([], [])
59 where
60 foldFunc (acc, unFmt) (secRaw, com@(DocComment desc)) =
61 case sectionComment secRaw of
62 Just sec -> let s = Section sec desc in (acc ++ [S s], unFmt)
63 Nothing -> (acc, unFmt ++ [com])
64 foldFunc (acc, unFmt) (desc, expr) =
65 case formatFn expr desc of
66 Just c -> (acc ++ [D c], unFmt)
67 Nothing -> (acc, unFmt ++ [expr])
69-- | Format all 'Component's which are exported by the given 'L.Library'.
70format :: L.Library -> [Component] -> Html
71format lib comps = do
72 H.h2 "Index"
73 H.details $ do
74 H.summary "Table of contents"
75 tableOfContents finalComps
76 forM_
77 finalComps
78 ( \case
79 D c -> declFmt c (L.externalId lib $ declId c)
80 S s -> sectionFmt s
81 )
82 where
83 -- Exclude any non-exported program components.
84 exportedComps =
85 filter
86 ( \case
87 D c -> L.exports lib $ declId c
88 S _ -> True
89 )
90 comps
92 -- Extra components to prepend to the component list.
93 -- Neccessary to ensure that HTML heading structure is always valid.
94 extraComps =
95 if any (\case D _ -> False; S _ -> True) exportedComps
96 then []
97 else [S defaultSection]
99 -- Prepend extraComps to the exported components.
100 finalComps = extraComps ++ exportedComps