
Automatically generate documentation from comments in R7RS Scheme code

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  1{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
  3-- | This module provides data types for building 'Formatter's.
  4module SchemeDoc.Format.Types (
  5    Declaration (declId, declDesc),
  6    mkDeclaration,
  7    declFmt,
  8    Formatable (..),
  9    Formatter,
 10    Section (..),
 11    sectionComment,
 12    defaultSection,
 13    sectionFmt,
 14    Component (..),
 15    compAnchor,
 16    compLink,
 20import Control.Monad (unless)
 21import Data.Char (isSpace)
 22import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
 23import qualified Data.Text as T
 24import SchemeDoc.Format.Util (fromMkd)
 25import SchemeDoc.Types
 27import Text.Blaze.Html
 28import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as H
 29import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as A
 31-- | Type class to convert a given type to a formatted S-expression.
 32class Formatable a where
 33    -- Create a 'Declaration' using the given documentation.
 34    fmt :: a -> T.Text -> Declaration
 36-- | A high-level declaration in the Scheme source code, e.g. a
 37-- 'SchemeDoc.Format.Library' declaration.
 38data Declaration = Declaration
 39    { declId :: T.Text
 40    -- ^ Internal identifier of the declaration.
 41    , declDesc :: T.Text
 42    -- ^ Documentation for the declaration, i.e. the 'DocComment' preceding it.
 43    , declFmt' :: T.Text -> Html
 44    }
 46-- | Create a new 'Declaration' with a given identifier, description and format function.
 47mkDeclaration :: T.Text -> T.Text -> (T.Text -> Html) -> Declaration
 48mkDeclaration = Declaration
 50-- | Format a declaration with an optional external identifier.
 51declFmt :: Declaration -> Maybe T.Text -> Html
 52declFmt d newName = declFmt' d $ fromMaybe (declId d) newName
 54-- | Function for converting an S-expression into a 'Declaration'
 55-- based on the given documentation for the S-expression.
 56type Formatter = Sexp -> T.Text -> Maybe Declaration
 60-- | Section represents a section comment in the source.
 61data Section
 62    = Section
 63        T.Text
 64        -- ^ Section title.
 65        T.Text
 66        -- ^ Sectiond description.
 68-- Character used to identify section comments.
 69sectionChar :: Char
 70sectionChar = '|'
 72-- Remove all leading ASCII space characters.
 73ltrim :: T.Text -> T.Text
 74ltrim = T.dropWhile isSpace
 76-- Remove all trailing ASCII space characters.
 77rtrim :: T.Text -> T.Text
 78rtrim = T.dropWhileEnd isSpace
 80-- Remove all trailing and leading ASCII space characters.
 81trim :: T.Text -> T.Text
 82trim = rtrim . ltrim
 84-- | If the given comment text constitutes a 'Section' title
 85-- return the title, otherwise return 'Nothing'.
 86sectionComment :: T.Text -> Maybe T.Text
 87sectionComment t =
 88    if T.length t >= 1 && T.head t == sectionChar
 89        then Just (ltrim $ T.tail t)
 90        else Nothing
 92-- | Default section, used if the input file doesn't contain a single
 93-- section comment of its own.
 94defaultSection :: Section
 95defaultSection = Section "Declarations" ""
 97-- | Format a section comment as 'Html'.
 98sectionFmt :: Section -> Html
 99sectionFmt s@(Section n desc) = do
100    -- TODO: Add <section> tags for each H2
101    H.h2 ! (textValue $ compAnchor (S s)) $
102        toHtml n
103    unless (T.null desc) $ do
104        H.p $ fromMkd desc
108-- | Component in the documented source code.
109-- This is either a 'Declaration' or a 'Section' comment.
110data Component = D Declaration | S Section
112-- | Unique anchor for a compoment.
113compAnchor :: Component -> T.Text
114compAnchor (D c) = declId c -- TODO: Ensure that this is aligned with format function
115compAnchor (S (Section n _)) = "section-" `T.append` toAnchor n
116  where
117    toAnchor :: T.Text -> T.Text
118    toAnchor = (\c -> if isSpace c then '-' else c) . T.toLower . trim
120-- | Generate an anchor tag which links to a given 'Component'.
121compLink :: Component -> Html
122compLink c = do
123    H.a ! A.href (textValue $ T.cons '#' (compAnchor c)) $
124        toHtml (compName c)
125  where
126    compName :: Component -> T.Text
127    compName (D c') = declId c'
128    compName (S (Section n _)) = n