1{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
3module Library where
5import Test.Tasty
6import Test.Tasty.HUnit
8import Data.Text ()
9import SchemeDoc
10import qualified SchemeDoc.Format.Library as L
11import SchemeDoc.Types
12import Util
14getLibs :: String -> [L.Library]
15getLibs input = map snd libraries
16 where
17 -- Scheme S-expressions for the parsed input.
18 (Right expr) = parse input
20 -- Documented library definitions in the input
21 (Right libraries) = findDocLibs expr
23getLib :: String -> L.Library
24getLib = head . getLibs
28libraryParser :: TestTree
29libraryParser =
30 testGroup
31 "Tests for the Library parser"
32 [ testCase "Library with exports and without declarations" $ do
33 let lib = getLib ";;> my comment\n(define-library (foo) (export string-length))"
35 assertEqual "Library name" "foo" $ L.name lib
36 assertEqual "Exports string-length" True $ L.exports lib "string-length"
37 assertEqual "Doesn't export foo" False $ L.exports lib "foo"
38 , testCase "Library with renamed identifier" $ do
39 let lib = getLib ";;> my comment\n(define-library (foo) (export (rename string-length strlen)))"
41 assertEqual "Exports renamed internal" True $ L.exports lib "string-length"
42 assertEqual "Doesn't export renamed external" False $ L.exports lib "strlen"
43 assertEqual "Renamed identifier" (Just "strlen") $ L.externalId lib "string-length"
44 assertEqual "Unknown identifier" Nothing $ L.externalId lib "foo"
45 , testCase "Multiple lib definitions in a single file" $ do
46 let libs = getLibs ";;> foo lib\n(define-library (foo))\n;;> bar library\n(define-library (bar))"
47 assertEqual "Amount of libraries" 2 $ length libs
49 assertEqual "First lib name" "foo" $ L.name (libs !! 0)
50 assertEqual "Second lib name" "bar" $ L.name (libs !! 1)
51 , testCase "Multipart lib name" $ do
52 let lib = getLib ";;> my comment\n(define-library (foo 42 bar 23 baz))"
53 assertEqual "" "foo 42 bar 23 baz" $ L.name lib
54 , testCase "Library with lib declaration" $ do
55 let lib = getLib ";;> scheme example lib\n(define-library (scheme example) (begin (define x 23) (define y 42)))"
56 expanded <- L.expand lib
58 assertEqual
59 ""
60 [ List
61 [ Id "begin"
62 , List [Id "define", Id "x", Number 23]
63 , List [Id "define", Id "y", Number 42]
64 ]
65 ]
66 expanded
67 , testCase "Library with multiple declarations" $ do
68 let lib = getLib ";;> my lib\n(define-library (scheme example) (begin (define x 23)) (begin (define y 42)))"
69 expanded <- L.expand lib
71 assertEqual
72 ""
73 [ List [Id "begin", List [Id "define", Id "y", Number 42]]
74 , List [Id "begin", List [Id "define", Id "x", Number 23]]
75 ]
76 expanded
77 , testCase "Library with include" $ do
78 let lib = getLib ";;> doc comment\n(define-library (some example) (include \"test/testdata/simple-include.scm\"))"
79 expanded <- L.expand lib
81 assertEqual "" [List [Id "begin", List [Id "define", Id "x", Str "foo"]]] expanded
82 ]