
A WiP CoAP implementation for bare-metal constrained devices in Zig

git clone https://git.8pit.net/zoap.git


2024-12-30 README.md: Update supported Zig version Sören Tempel
2024-12-30 README.md: Remove outdated installation section Sören Tempel
2024-12-30 Make tests compatible with Zig >= 13 too Sören Tempel
2024-12-21 Support Zig >= 13 MahdiGMK
2022-03-06 README.md: Mention that code compiles fine with 0.9.1 Sören Tempel

Clone the repository to access all 90 commits.


A WiP CoAP implementation for bare-metal constrained devices in Zig.


Presently, the majority of the CoAP standard is not implemented. However, creating a very basic CoAP server which sends and receives non-confirmable messages is possible and already done as part of my zig-riscv-embedded project. Since the code focus on constrained bare-metal targets, it is optimized for a small memory footprint and uses statically allocated fixed-size buffers instead of performing dynamic memory allocation. Furthermore, it does not use any OS-specific code from the Zig standard library (e.g. Sockets).

The code is known to compile with Zig 0.13.0.


As noted above, this library targets freestanding constrained devices. For this reason, all memory is statically allocated. To implement a CoAP server with zoap, the central data structure is the Dispatcher. This Dispatcher takes a list of Resources and forwards incoming requests to them if the URI in the request matches one of the available resources. Both, the dispatcher and the resources need to be statically allocated, e.g. as global variables:

const resources = &[_]zoap.Resource{
    .{ .path = "hello", .handler = helloHandler },
    .{ .path = "about", .handler = aboutHandler },
var dispatcher = zoap.Dispatcher{
    .resources = resources,

The code above allocates a dispatcher with two resources: /hello and /about. An incoming CoAP request for either of those resources invokes the associated handler function. The helloHandler implementation may looks as follows:

pub fn helloHandler(resp: *zoap.Response, req: *zoap.Request) codes.Code {
    if (!req.header.code.equal(codes.GET))
        return codes.BAD_METHOD;

    const w = resp.payloadWriter();
    w.writeAll("Hello, World!") catch {
        return codes.INTERNAL_ERR;

    return codes.CONTENT;

The function takes two parameters: The resulting CoAP response and the incoming CoAP request. The handler returns the CoAP response code for the incoming request. The implementation above first checks the request method, if it doesn’t match the expected method a response with a Method Not Allowed status code is returned. Otherwise, the helloHandler writes Hello, World! to the response body and, unless an error occurs, it responses with a successful content response code.

In order to invoke these handlers, incoming CoAP requests need to be forwarded to the Dispatcher via the Dispatcher.dispatch method which takes an incoming CoAP request as a parameter and forwards it to the matching resource (if any). The method returns the appropriate CoAP response. Since this library attempts to be OS-independent, the code for retrieving incoming requests and sending responses to these requests depends on your environment. For example, CoAP request may be read from a UDP socket in a POSIX environment.

For or a more detailed and complete usage example refer to zig-riscv-embedded which reads incoming requests from a SLIP serial interface.

Test vectors

For parsing code, test vectors are created using the existing go-coap implementation written in Go. Test vectors are generated using ./src/testvectors/generate.go and available as ./src/testvectors/*.bin files. These files are tracked in the Git repositories and thus Go is not necessarily needed to run existing tests.

Each Zig test case embeds this file via @embedFile. All existing Zig parser test cases can be run using:

$ zig test src/packet.zig

New test cases can be added by modifying ./src/testvectors/generate.go and ./src/packet.zig. Afterwards, the test case files need to be regenerated using:

$ cd ./src/testvectors && go build -trimpath && ./testvectors

New test vectors must be committed to the Git repository.


This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.